Service & Missions

The mission and ministry of Elizabeth Memorial is expanding as we discern the growing needs in our community and around the world. We believe that the greatest needs are met by friendship, encouragement and support, which often leads to opportunities to meet other material needs.

One of our strongest areas of mission is partnering with our organizations to provide food, clothing, utility assistance and other basic life needs. Each month our church promotes a collection, and we donate items to other non-profit organizations to include in their distributions.

Most recently we collected….

Food Bank

The pantries are requesting soup, saltines, and evaporated milk. Thank you for placing items in the bins in the entryway Monday through Thursday (8:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.) or Sundays (8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.). You can also call to schedule a drop off by calling the church office at (304) 342-7351.

Next month we will collect…